Thursday, October 23, 2008

Practice Makes Perfect

After spending about 30 min watching cyclocross how to videos I got out for an hour of solid practice time today. It occurred to me that I should really spend some quality time practicing my runs, run ups, and remounts. I can see that my redline ability will return, probably about the time cross closes up shop, but none the less it will come back, however what won't come to me is all those little things that help you gain or lose 5 ft. Cross seems to be a game of feet not miles, give a couple lose a couple and suddenly no matter how hard you try you are just hanging off the rear. With this in mind I decided to practice shouldering and running followed by of course the leap of faith to remount and go. Luckily for me and my manhood I hit the saddle every time and got a little faster with every attempt. While I was practicing it also occurred to me that I really hate losing so I'm gonna try not to do that anymore. So with a solid hour of practice and some good how to videos in my brain I think I'm ready to race on Sunday. See you all there.

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