Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mohican 100

Lets start at the back and work forward. 22 miles into the race I got bounced 10ft on to some very hard rocks, looked down to my knee and saw a gaping wound pouring blood. I was lucky enough to be only a mile from Aid station 1. The EMT's directed me to the nearest hospital some 30 min North of the race. I caught a ride back to town loaded my bike in my truck and headed North to get stitches.

We are in the backwoods of BFE and my buddy, who shall remain nameless, comes back in 10min with Valum for me, I didn't take any and I didn't ask where he got it.
If you ever need an ER it might be faster to fly down to Ashland, Ohio. This same thing took me over 4 hours here in Madison and less than 2 there.
Thanks to everyone at Good Samaritan, I hope to never see you again.
Day before the Race Scott and Mark Cole on their hefty weighing S-works. Can you say 21.5lbs.
Steads at the stable
Pre dawn self portrait. The start of the race was again a very beautiful foggy morning. Great day to race or spend in any ER.
Careful where you step!
Happy as a lark here, not so much the next day. I am happy to report that I can finally bend my knee and managed to ride around my block yesterday. I am going to take it slow so I can freakin start this season.

1 comment:

GT Dirt Coalition Joe Burtoni said...

I was scrolling down the page looking for the knee pic??