Friday, October 28, 2011

The Year to Date

 Chris Peariso Owner and Pro cyclist for Adventure 212. Mohican 100 race, I double flatted in the first 3 miles, went to DFL but was able to get back to base camp and restock to go back out. Finished 50th.

 Before you judge me for putting up this many pics of myself this isn't a shrine to me, but a quick run-down of the the past few months for my sponsors of past, present and future.

 6 Hours of Wausau, finished 3rd. Day started at 90 and was called at the 5 hour mark because of Tornados, got pulled of the course in truck as conditions were to dangerous to continue.

 Little out of order, but.... UCI Pro 1,2 USGP, fisnised 2nd to last, but thats what you get for going to Europe and eating for 2 weeks.

 New Team for me and Cross MadCross, finished 3rd here Masters 1,2
My other and own team Unwin Chiropractic & Wellness Center, Skeleton Crew. Finished 4th this day.

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