Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bike to Work Week 2

Well so far it has been less than stellar bike to work week, I did bike back after lunch on Monday and did teach a power cycling class at Zoned on Tuesday and I will bike back to work today after lunch so I guess it's not all bad. I used the elevation chart from the DSG as our 1hr training ride yesterday, it was pouring rain so it was nice to be getting great intensity while it was so miserable out. I had kid rock blaring and a mountain bike video playing on a 100" projection screen behind me and on two 48" plasma screens on both sides of me. I took the class on a little recap of the DSG which brought back a lot of tough memories, but was a lot of fun. I peaked out at 535 watts on a couple of the ramps and was still talking through it so I'm feeling good about how my fitness is coming along for the season.

1 comment:

iz said...

If you're going to do a bike to work week event in 2008, please let me know at, and I'll add the event to the online map.