Thursday, February 22, 2007


Here it is as promised, what you are looking at is Zoned 4 Fitness. A 8500 sq ft site that will be one of the most comprehesive training/ testing/sports medicine facilities in the country. Here are just some of the programs and offerings. Power Training Cycling, power based spinning classes using Saris Cycleops Club Pro 300PT bikes. These classes will all be conducted by pro athletes, usa cycling coaches and all will be coaches certified directly by Saris. The facility will also offer advanced fitness testing and evaluations which will include Max Vo2, lactate threshold and a variety of other evaluations that will optimize your personal performance. Zoned 4 Fitness will also offer these services: personal training, weight management, pilates, yoga, treking, physical therapy, and sports massage. These are just the initial offerings with much more to come. The facility utilizes only the best of equipment, such as Woodway treadmills instead of the regular club models treadmills. Not familiar with Woodway or Cycleops Spin Bikes, don't worry much of the equipment at Zoned 4 Fitness is equipment you may not have heard of unless you are a pro or elite level athlete. The equipment is very easy to use, however regular gyms and Y's simply can't afford this level of equipment. So why all the attention on my site? We will be leasing space at Zoned 4 Fitness to open a second division of our business called Unwin Massage. I will provide the sports massage for the facility as well as teaching power classes, coaching and personal training. I am very excited to be apart of this facility as the owners have recruited the very best pro athletes, coaches and exercise professionals in Madison. The facility will truly be one of a hand full of training facilities in the country with this level of staff, offerings, and equipment.
More to come on the Opening!
Watch for info at

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